국제금융 삽질(외자의 허와실)


AI독립군 2010. 7. 19. 13:23

지급보증실무 (저작권: 김한수)



4. 건설 및 용역사업에 따른 보증


  건설 및 용역사업에 따른 보증은 국내의 그것과 해외의 그것이 있으나 주로 해외 project에 따른 것이 압도적으로 많으므로 이를 고찰하기로 한다.



. 입찰보증


해외건설 및 용역사업에서 발주자(owner)가 시공자(contractor)를 정하는 방법에는 공개 경쟁입찰과 수의계약의 방법이 있으나 전자가 대부분이다. 따라서 입찰에 참가하고자 하는 자는 입찰보증을 적립하여야 하며 입찰보증의 양식은 발주자가 지정하는 것이 보통이다.



 〔예시 〕입찰보증


     IRREVOCABLE STAND-BY L/C No.                


 We hereby open our irrevocable stand-by L/C No.           in your favour for account of         (up to the aggregate amount of) US$


    (Say US Dollars        ) as Bid Bond in connection with your Bid Invitation No.        dated     for the construction of       .


 This credit shall be available against your sight draft drawn on us accompanied by your written statement certifying that Accountee has been awarded the bid and has failed to enter into a corresponding contract or, has failed to post a performance bond within the designated period.


 We hereby agree that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with this stand-by L/C will be duly honoured upon presentation at his office on or before        .



. 이행보증


 입찰의 결과, 낙찰이 되면 이행보증을 요구하는 경우가 대부분이며 이 이행보증은 계약의 체결전에 또는 낙찰통지서(notice of award) 또는 계약체결동의서(letter of intent)를 받은 후 일정기간내에 발급되어야 하는 예도 있다.







Seoul, Korea




To: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Ministry of Finance & National Economy






 His Excellency          Place         







 Since you have awarded our clients Messrs ("the contractor") a contract ("the contract") for (description and identity of the project)


 We,                  ("the guarantor")


     (name of bank)


 irrevocable and unconditionally guarantee the payment to you of Saudii-Riyals     being 5% of the value of the         contract and accordingly covenant and agrees as follows:


(a) on the contractor's failure to fulfil any of the conditions of the contract as determined by you in your absolute judgement the guarantor shall forthwith on demand made by you in writing and notwithstanding any objection by the contractor pay you such amount or amounts as you shall require not exceeding in aggregate the above mentioned amount of Saudi Riyals by transfer to an account in your name at such bank in Saudi Arabia as you shall stipulate or in such other manner as shall be acceptable to you. 

(b) Any payment made hereunder shall be made free and clear of, and without deduction for or on account of, any present of future taxes, levies, imposts, duties, charges, fees, deductions or withholdings of any nature whatsoever and by whomsoever imposed.


(c) The covenants herein contained constitute unconditional and irrevocable direct obligations of the guarantor. No alternation in the terms of the contract or in the extent or nature of the work to be performed thereunder and allowance of time by you or other for bearance or concession or any other act or ommission by you which but for this provision might exonerate or discharge the guarantor shall in any way release the guarantor from any liability hereunder.


(d) This guarantee shall remain valid and in full force and effect up to the end of the day of           of the year           by which time any claim hereunder must be received by the agent of the guarantor in Saudi Arabia, namely,           (bank).


(e) The guarantor represents and warrants that the amount of this guarantee plus all other facilities granted by them to their client


         in connection with their work executed in Saudi Arabia does not exceed 20 percent of the total of the paid up capital and reserves of the guarantor.


(f) This guarantee is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.




                                      International Bank of Korea.


                                        (Authorized Signature)



. 환급보증


 계약이 체결된 후, 발주자(owner)는 공사의 시행을 위하여 일정금액 약 10%정도의 선지급을 하게 되며 이때 은행 등의 지급보증서를 요구한다.



 〔예시 〕보증




 We hereby issue our Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No.      for up to the Aggregate Amount of Saudi Riyals 2,000,000(Say Saudi Riyals Two Million only) in favor of (Hereinafter Called Beneficiary) for Account of         (hereinafter called Accountee) as a Refund Guarantee for the Advance Payment for up to Saudi Riyals 2,000,000 to be effected by Beneficiary to Accountee in accordance with the Agreement for Aerial Mapping and Masaic Photographs for 86 Villages/Towns in Saudi Arabia dated     made by and between Beneficiary and Accountee (hereinafter called the Agreement).


 This Letter of Guarantee shall be available against Beneficiary's sight draft drawn on Accountee accompanied by Beneficiary's Signed Statement certifying that Accountee has failed to repay the above mentioned Advanced Amount in accordance with Terms and Conditions of the Agreement.


 This Letter of Guarantee shall be valid until Oct 31, 19×× after which date this Guarantee shall become null and void.


 In reimbursement of claims under this Guarantee remittance shall be made through the bank designated by Beneficiary.


 Please advise Beneficiary accordingly.



 . 하자보증


 계약된 사업이 완료되면 하자에 대하여 보증을 하지 않으면 안된다. 이에 대한 보증을 하자보증이라 하며, 원래는 총계약금액의 10% 정도를 유보(retention)하고 있다가 보증기간이 경과되면 시공자에게 지급하는 것이나 그렇게 되면 시공자가 자금부담을 면할 수 없으므로 이를 지급하는 대신에 유보급(retention money)에 대한 보증을 요구하는 것이다. 따라서 이를 retention money bond 라고 하는 것이다. 또 설비수출의 경우에도 일정기간의 성능보증을 요구하는 예가 있다.



 〔예시〕 하자보증


    Our Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No. STG-21886


 Dear Sirs,


 We hereby open our irrevocable letter of guarantee No. STG-21886 in your favor by order of Korea Construction Co, Ltd. up to the amount of KUWAKTK DINARS THREE HUNDRED FORTY THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE AND FILS NINE HUNDRED THIRTY NINE onLY(KD343, 489 939) as a security for your issuing letter of guarantee on your behalf and under our full responsibility favoring Ministry of Public Works, Government of Kuwait, representing retention monies guarantee for the Construction of Kuwait Villages Sanitary Sewerage Schemes Tender No. RDD/S/82 not exceeding KUWAITI DINARS THREE HUNDRED FORTY THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE AND FILS NINE HUNDRED THIRTY NINE onLY(KD343, 489, 939) to be valid until July 15, 19××.


 We hereby undertake to hold you harmless from all consequences arising therefrom and to pay you on your first request despite any contestation on the part of the applicant. The approval of Korean exchange control authorities to issue this guarantee is held at our disposal.


 This guarantee shall be valid until July 31, 19××, including 15 days for the purpose of mailing time after which date it shall become null and void.


                                          Very truly yours,




                                      International Bank of Korea


                                       Authorized Signature



. 지급보증(payment bond)


 건설업체 등이 현지에서의 장비, 자재구입대전, 현지고용인노임보험료, 장비임차료 및 제세공과금 등의 지급을 보증하기 위하여 발주자 앞으로 제출하는 경우와 발주자와 공사취하대금의 지급을 보증하기 위하여 시공자 앞으로 제출하는 경우와 하도급계약에 있어서 공사의 원청자가 하청대전의 지급을 보증하기 위하여 제출하는 경우가 있다.



〔예시 〕지급보증


      Re: Our Irrevocable stand-by Letter of Credit No. STB-269


    Dear Sirs,


  We hereby issue our irrevocable stand-by letter of credit No. STB-269 up to an aggregate amount of US $ 3,500,000(SAY US DOLLARS THREE MILLION AND FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND onLY) of Saudi Riyals equivalent to this amount in your favor for account of Korea Construction Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea as security for your loan plus its interest extended to Korea Construction Co., Ltd., Riyadh, Branch, P.O.Box 3497, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia("the Borrower") for  purchasing of materials for the execution of Sanitary and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Pipeline and Pumping Station Contract No. 076-004.


 The interest rate of the loan extended under this credit shall not exceed the rate of zero point eight seven five percent per annum over six month Libo rate.


 This credit is available against your sight draft drawn on us accompanied by your signed statement certifying that the Borrower have defaulted in the repayment of your loan plus its interest and that in consequence the amount drawn hereunder represents their unpaid indebtedness due to you.


 Your loan Statement as of end of every month should be presented to us. We hereby agree with you that drafts drawn by virtue of this credit and in accordance with its stipulated terms will be duly honoured provided they are presented to us on or before December 30, 19××, after which date it shall become null and void.




                                             Very truly yours,




                                         International Bank of Korea


                                            Authorized Signature



. 관세담보조보증(customs bond)


 공사수행에 필요한 각종 자재의 현지 통관시 관세납부를 보증하기 위하여 현지세관 앞으로 지급보증을 하는 경우가 있는데 이를 customs bond라고 한다.




 5. 자본거래에 따른 보증


 자본거래에 따른 보증은 외자도입에 따른 보증과 외화채권발행지급보증을 들 수 있다.


 (1) 외자도입에 따른 보증


 이 보증은 상업차관, 기술도입에 대한 보증을 들 수 있다.


 (2) 은행차관 및 전대차관의 도입에 따른 보증


 은행차관이나 전대차관의 도입에 따른 보증은 지급보증서에 의하는 경우와 약속어음에 의하는 경우가 있다. 또 때로는 양자를 다 요구하는 경우도 있다.



 〔예시〕은행차관 등에 따른 보증




Seoul, Korea



 To:Libya Bank


Letter of Guarantee for Customs Clearance


We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee(A)       in your favor up to the aggregate amount of            for account of Korea Development Co., Ltd., Seoul Korea as a security for you to issue guarantees for duty free clearance under the declaration of carring out the equipments from Libya favoring Customs Supervision, Benghazi or Tripoli of Misurata or Brega, Libya in connection with their Libya Branch's execution of their construction project in Libya.


 We agree to extend or to pay part or total amount at your first simple demand regardless of any contestation by the above named or any other party.


 This guarantee has been approved by the foreign exchange control authorities of Korea and expires on          for your lodging any claim. Validity covers 15 days of mailing time. Special instructions:


 If needed, your Letter of Guarantee might partially be issued at the request of Korea Development Bank Libya Branch under the strength of subject guarantee to make total amount of           .




6. 기타 거래에 따른 보증



 . 현지금융담보조지급보증


(1) 해외건설 및 용역사업의 현지금융지급보증


 해외건설이나 해외용역사업을 하는 자는 그 규모가 크므로 자금수요가 막대하다. 또 해외에 있는 지사나 사무소가 직접 소요자재 등을 수입하므로 현지에서 자금지원을 받을 필요가 절실하여 진다. 그러나 현지에 이를 커버할 수 있는 담보가 충분하지 못하므로 본사가 현지금융울 담보하게 되고 통상 이를 위하여 지급보증서나 보증신용장을 개설하게 된다. 또 사업의 규모가 방대하므로 거래은행이 현지주재원을 파견하여 금융관계사항을 관리하도록 하는 예도 있다. 이와 같은 보증신청을 받은 경우, 은행은 다음 사항에 주의하여야 한다.


 현지금융의 사용용도, 규모 및 적용금리의 적정성


 금액에 현지금융에 따른 부대비용이 포함되지 않아야 한다.


 신청인이 제재중이 아닌가?


 한도관기대상의 금융인 경우 그 한도이내인지의 여부





                    IRREVOCABLE STAND-BY L/C No.         


 We hereby open our irrevocable stand-by Credit No.          in your favor for account of (Korean Company) up to the aggregate amount of US $      (Say US Dollars        only) as a security for your loan to (Overseas Branch, etc.) to finance their imports from Korea under letters of credit.


 This credit shall be available against your sight draft drawn on us accompanied by your signed statement certifying that (Over seas Branch, etc.) has failed to repay your loan effected under Letters of Credit opened to Korea.


 We hereby engage with you that drafts drawn in conformity with the terms of this credit will be duly honoured on presentation to us on or before (expiry date).



(2) 일반적인 지사의 현지금융지급보증


 해외건설이나 용역사업체가 아니더라도 해외의 지사 등이 현지에서 금융을 받는 경우가 있으며 이 때 지급보증이 필요하게 된다.



. 국내융자담보조지급보증


 이 보증은 일정은행에서 수출산업용시설기재의 도입을 위한 외화대출이나 기타 대출을 받고자 하는 경우, 은행보증을 요구하는 때에 발급된다.



. 기타


 여행자의 현금휴대의 위험성을 배제하는 여행자신용장(traveller's credit)과 해외지사 운영비의 목적으로 개설되는 클린현금신용장(clean cash credit)을 들 수 있다. 또 임차료나 보험료의 지급을 보증하기 위하여 발급되는 경우도 있다.



 〔예시 〕보험료지급보증


Dear Sirs,


 We hereby issue our irrevocable letter of guarantee No.      in your favor for account of      as a security for insurance premium in connection with       dated      for         .


 This guarantee shall be available against your sight drafts on us accompanied by statement showing calculation of insurance claims settling fees and expenses incidental thereto.


 We hereby agree that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the letter of guarantee will be duly honored upon presentation at this office on or before       .



〔예시 〕임차료지급보증


 Dear Sirs,


 We hereby guarantee to pay you up to the amount of        for account of      as a security in connection with hire of     under the contract No.     dated     between     and        .


 This guarantee shall be available against your sight drafts on us accompanied by beneficiary's statement certifying that has failed to pay the fees and expenses for hire within the designated period and stating that it covers any of the undermentioned items pursuant to the above contract for hire of             


 We hereby agree that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with this guarantee will be duly honored upon presentation at this office on or before       .


손가락 버튼 누르고 가는 블로거님들…….

만사형통, 부귀영화, 무량대복 기원합니다.

아니면 XX될걸요(협박 ㅎㅎㅎ)
