얄팍다식 & 경제

『2014년 ICMCI 컨퍼런스 & 세계총회』개최

AI독립군 2014. 1. 10. 17:21

2014 ICMCI 컨퍼런스 & 세계총회』개최


1. 세계총회 개최기간

   . 국제 회의: 2014. 09. 22() ~ 09. 23()

   . 세계 총회: 2014. 09. 24() ~ 09 .27()

   . Post Meeting Tour: 2014. 09. 27()~09. 29()

2. 개최장소 : 라마다 서울 호텔(삼성동 소재)

3. 2014년도 “ICMCI 세계총회” 핵심 메세지

   o “선진 경영컨설팅 경험과 지식을 나누어 상생하는 세계경영 추구”

       Share Experiences, Prosper Together

4. 참석인원: 300여명

  . 외국 경영컨설턴트 100여명

  . 국내 경영컨설턴트 100여명

  . 경영지도사. 기술지도사 100여명

5. 세계총회유치경과

  o 2013년 초부터 캐나다등 7개국이 유치경쟁을 해오던 중 우리나라와 캐나다가 경합함.

  o 2013 9 24일 남아공(요하네스버그) ICMCI 세계총회에서 "2014 ICMCI 컨퍼런스 

      세계총회"를 한국에서 개최하기로 의결 및 최종 확정 

  o 세계회원 52개국이 매년 각 대륙의 형평성을 고려하여 개최국을 선정함, 한국은

      2004 ICMCI 회원으로 가입하였으나, 현재까지 세계총회를 개최하지 못하였음.

6. 기대효과

  o 국내 컨설팅시장의 약 93%를 외국계회사들이 점유하고 있어 국제적 위상을 높일

     좋은 계기가 됨

  o  ICMCI 네트워크를 이용한 해외시장의 개척 컨설팅 업무교류 및 정보교환을 통한

    국제컨설턴트로서의 활동

o 선진 컨설팅 기법을 보급하여 국내기업의 경쟁력을 높이고 지도사 홍보효과 극대




2014 Conference and Annual Meeting in Seoul, Korea

IMC Korea is very pleased to host The 2014 ICMCI Conference and Annual Meeting on September 22~27, 2014 at Ramada Seoul Hotel in Seoul, Korea with the topic of 

For the Prosperity together: East & West


When is it?

  • 2014 ICMCI Conference:    September 22~23, 2014
  • 2014 ICMCI Annual Meeting: September 24~27, 2014
  • Post Meeting Tour :         September 27~29, 2014

The conference venue will be the Ramada Seoul Hotel, the very next place to the one of the World Heritage Park and the conference & hotel is just the same place for the convenience with the very special price for our ICMCI brothers and sisters.


Why in Korea?

1. Very fast growing economy with advanced IT & other industries

2. The 8th Rank of Total World Trade Volume (2012)

3. Great honor to show Korea Fast Development to ICMCI Members

4. Strategically located connecting East & West

5. Great opportunity to make networks with global ICMCI leaders of consulting industries

6. Business Trip to Samsung Electrics, SK, Hyundai, etc.

7. Very Attractive early-bird rate


Convention Center in Ramada Seoul Hotel(Very Convenient)

You may enjoy luxurious as well as you may also enjoy the convenience of public transportation. There are lots of shopping centers around. The convention center at Hotel Ramada Seoul with its international standard and reputation will make your special day unforgettable in Seoul, Korea.



In addition to the 2014 Conference Annual Meeting, there are multiple activities planned for participants and partners, during the Meeting and afterwards.  There are lots of unique experiential tours such as making Korean Traditional Kimchi, Korean Traditional Handkerchiefs and Paper Boxes for your souvenirs. Also you can enjoy shopping in various kinds of shopping centers both Korean Traditional Markets and Department Stores.

Please see the attached outline for the planned events during the event.  


Visa Requirements. 

-64 countries are visa exemption

Please check the Korean Immigration Official Web for the visa requirement in details of the following link;




IMC Korea will have the registration with more information detailed web pages by the end of 2013 and we will send notices out to all Trustees, Chairs, and Executive Directors letting them know when the registration pages are open.  When they do open, you are suggested to register early, for the Annual Meeting, the hotel and Tours, as there are a limited number of hotel rooms at the conference special rate.

We look forward to seeing you in Seoul, Korea for “Sharing experiences & Prosperity Together”.

